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Why RPM guidelines are important for DC fans

Heat dissipation knowledge| 2022-11-16|毅榮川電子

When selecting DC fan manufacturers, many manufacturers will first consider the use environment and characteristics required, and then find their own fans according to these standards, and what the speed represents. Next, let's understand the importance of RPM.

determineDC fanOne of the methods to determine whether the design is reasonable and whether the motor can maintain the minimum temperature rise is to calculate the ratio of fan speed (RPM) to fan efficiency power. The general industry standard is that the speed is increased by 10%, and the power consumption needs to be increased by 30%. For a well-designed DC fan, the speed is increased by 10%, and the power consumption only needs to be increased by less than 30%, otherwise the motor will enter the saturated drive state. This saturated driving state will lead to the end of the fan life ahead of time. When maintaining the RPM/W standard, it is necessary to increase the steel plate size or reduce the PQ value, which will increase the cost of the product. Otherwise, the operating temperature of the motor is too high, which will greatly reduce the product life.


The above can reflect the impact of good DC fan performance on the cost of electricity, which reflects the impact of the minimum operating temperature of the motor (as a positive example of input power) on the fan, and the operating temperature of the motor is inversely proportional to the product life. Especially according to the industry standard, the product life will be reduced by 1/2 for every 10 ° C increase in the operating temperature of the motor.

That's why RPM standard is very important for DC fans. We can customize it according to customers' special requirements. If you want to know more about DC fans, you can pay attention to Shenzhen Yirongchuan



Shenzhen Yirongchuan Electronic Technology Co., Ltd
Tel.: 0755-33199478
Email: xiaoq.hou@yirongchuan.com
Address: Floor 4, Block A, Building 1, Hongfa Innovation Park, Jinzhujiao, Jiuwei Community, Hangcheng Street, Bao'an District, Shenzhen
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