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Factors Affecting the Air Volume of Axial Fan

Heat dissipation knowledge| 2022-05-05|毅榮川電子

Axial flow fans are widely used. The air flow in the same direction as the axis of the fan blade is called "axial flow" because the air flows parallel to the fan axis.


The air volume of the axial fan is determined by the size of the fan blade and the speed of the fan blade. It mainly depends on its air volume to complete the ventilation process. There are many factors that affect the air volume of axial fan, such as impeller diameter, blade angle and number, axial fan motor speed, and motor size, which can affect the air volume of fan from the side. In addition to the internal factors of the fan itself, there are also the effects of the temperature, air density, altitude of the place where the fan is used, atmospheric pressure and system resistance on the fan air volume.

The air pressure directly affects the air supply distance of the axial flow fan. When selecting the axial flow fan, special attention should be paid. The air volume and air pressure of the fan are important indicators to measure the axial flow fan. They are also affected by many other factors, including the operation of the fan itself and the use of external factors. As long as the fan is used within the standard, it can not only extend its life, but also ensure that it operates under high efficiency.



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