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What is the detection method of the computer DC fan?

Heat dissipation knowledge| 2022-12-14|毅榮川電子

Computer is common in our life. Computer DC fan is one of the indispensable accessories in computer, so onceComputer DC fanIf there is a problem, it will be very troublesome, so it is very important to master the detection method and maintenance of the computer DC fan. Let's understand the detection method of the computer DC fan together?


Inspection steps of fan:

       1. Before production, set the current/speed and other parameters of the instrument according to the instructions and production order, confirm the power supply voltage with a multimeter, and connect the corresponding test public PIN.

       2. Materials, personnel operation, dimensions/assembly drawings/production instructions required for each process of the first five products produced according to the BOM/specifications/assembly drawings/production instructions. If there are defects in the materials, personnel operation, dimensions, etc. used in each process of five products, the first product must be reworked according to the Control Procedure for Nonconforming Products.

       3. After the inspection is completed, the good products will flow into the next process, and the identification of the nonconforming products will be isolated in the nonconforming product box, and recorded in the "QC Inspection (Registration) Daily Report". If the defective rate is too high or exceeds the line stop standard, each responsible person shall be responsible in accordance with the "Nonconforming Product Control Procedure", and issue an abnormal report to require the responsible unit to correct.



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Email: xiaoq.hou@yirongchuan.com
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