
Lighting industry
Under the premise of not changing the material of LED lighting, within the limit range of LED, the way to improve the brightness is to increase the current. As the current increases, the LED heat will increase dramatically.
The rotational speed of the cooling fan provided by Yi Rongchuan is jointly determined by the number of turns of the motor inner coil, the working voltage, the number, inclination, height, diameter of the fan blades and the bearing system. The fan speed can be measured by internal speed signal or external speed signal, greatly improving the adaptability to the environment. It is a very suitable heat dissipation mode for LED lamps.
Lighting industry應(yīng)用
  • LED lamp
    LED lamp
  • Mining lamp
    Mining lamp
  • etc
  • Photographic lamp
    Photographic lamp



Shenzhen Yirongchuan Electronic Technology Co., Ltd
Tel.: 0755-33199478
Email: xiaoq.hou@yirongchuan.com
Address: Floor 4, Block A, Building 1, Hongfa Innovation Park, Jinzhujiao, Jiuwei Community, Hangcheng Street, Bao'an District, Shenzhen
Copyright @ Shenzhen Yirongchuan Electronic Technology Co., Ltd
Yue ICP Bei No. 13073947 備案圖標(biāo).png

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