
Power industry
With the rapid progress of electronic information technology, the quality requirements of power supply are more and more strict. What consumers need more is a power supply product with high efficiency, energy conservation, stability, reliability, low power consumption and long service life. In order to meet customers' needs, the cooling fan of Shenzhen Yirongchuan Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. solves the heat dissipation problem of products for customers in terms of technology and performance.
The cooling fan provided by Yi Rongchuan has a very low noise value of about 20db and good heat dissipation effect. It is not only used in the power supply industry, but also widely used in medical equipment, industrial control equipment, intelligent household appliances, purification industry, automobile industry, sports equipment and other industries.
Power industry應(yīng)用
  • Wireless impulse
    Wireless impulse
  • smart charger
    smart charger
  • LED power supply
    LED power supply
  • UPS power supply
    UPS power supply
  • Frequency converter
    Frequency converter
  • Communication power supply
    Communication power supply
  • Inverter power supply
    Inverter power supply
  • PC power
    PC power
  • Charging pile
    Charging pile
  • regulated power supply
    regulated power supply



Shenzhen Yirongchuan Electronic Technology Co., Ltd
Tel.: 0755-33199478
Email: xiaoq.hou@yirongchuan.com
Address: Floor 4, Block A, Building 1, Hongfa Innovation Park, Jinzhujiao, Jiuwei Community, Hangcheng Street, Bao'an District, Shenzhen
Copyright @ Shenzhen Yirongchuan Electronic Technology Co., Ltd
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YGZAB No. 44030602007107

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